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So far admin has created 15 blog entries.

April 2021

The Risks of Hiring Non-Compliant Security Providers


When searching for a private security provider to protect you and your assets, it is important to find a provider that can cater to your specific security needs. It is equally important, however, to select a provider that is both compliant with the regulations of the government as well as certified by a regulatory [...]

The Risks of Hiring Non-Compliant Security Providers2021-04-26T10:00:49+02:00

March 2021

The Legalities of Vetting and Background Checking in South Africa


Whether you’re hiring a new employee, leasing to a new tenant or needing to confirm the owner of a property, you’ll need to conduct background checks and vetting. Although it may seem like you’re digging for very personal information, both processes are legal, as long as you follow some very specific rules.  Due to [...]

The Legalities of Vetting and Background Checking in South Africa2021-04-11T11:50:31+02:00

The Legalities of Debtor Tracing


Whether it’s personal or business, an unfortunate reality is that debtors often like to avoid what they owe. In some cases, it may feel like some debtors vanish into thin air. That’s where Gravity Risk Consultants come in. We offer cost-effective, fast and specialised tracing services that will find missing or absconding debtors, ensuring [...]

The Legalities of Debtor Tracing2021-03-15T10:32:15+02:00

February 2021

A Community Approach to Gated Estate Security


The appeal of gated estates is clear - safety and security. However, it’s not that simple. There are a number of factors that need to be applied to a holistic approach to estate security, including the responsibilities that apply to the security company and the residents themselves. In a gated community, everyone needs to [...]

A Community Approach to Gated Estate Security2021-03-04T10:18:19+02:00

The Importance of Vetting


Blue Valley Golf & Country Estate Case Study Gated estates are becoming a popular residential choice for many South Africans for one main reason - stringent and elevated security features and protocols. However, despite these security measures, breaches can happen.  A key area of security that some estates may overlook or not invest enough [...]

The Importance of Vetting2021-02-23T20:20:33+02:00

January 2021

Top 10 ways to DIY your home’s security


Top 10 Tips As the second wave of the Coronavirus hits South Africa, we will all be spending more time at home. While your presence at home can act as a deterrent to criminals, it’s never a guarantee. Now that you have some extra time on your hands, spend it investing in your home’s [...]

Top 10 ways to DIY your home’s security2021-02-23T20:20:49+02:00

Our Informed Strategy for Mining Operations


What role does a Mining Operations Strategy play? In a growing yet volatile marketplace, it’s abundantly clear that the security of your business assets is crucial. Security risk assessments, the management of those risks, and their significance to the business are key in ensuring its safety. However, some businesses view security risk consultancy as [...]

Our Informed Strategy for Mining Operations2021-01-09T18:40:57+02:00

December 2020

Ensuring a safe Festive Season


Festive Safety Tips With December’s arrival, South Africans are gearing up for another frantic festive season. December holidays truly represent a time for families and friends to celebrate the closing of a busy year. During this time, however, it’s important to remain vigilant by keeping your loved ones and your home safe. Unfortunately, the [...]

Ensuring a safe Festive Season2020-12-08T15:34:36+02:00

November 2020

Guarding For Businesses


Guarding for businesses    According to a Business Tech article, non-residential crimes have escalated. Since the start of the year, there have been over 83,000 cases of commercial crimes, over 59,000 cases of shoplifting, over 28,000 cases of stock theft, and over 20,000 cases of non-residential robberies. Thus, it’s clear that a security strategy [...]

Guarding For Businesses2020-11-29T18:54:52+02:00

The GRC Approach to Organisational Security


Our Approach An unfortunate reality of our world is that everyone and everything is vulnerable and a target for crime, including businesses and organisations. Thus, it goes without saying that keeping your business and your employees safe is paramount. However, some workplaces view security in a traditional sense, which is often their downfall. At [...]

The GRC Approach to Organisational Security2020-11-29T18:52:29+02:00
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